J. Michael Christian
Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Author
John helped me sort through the chaos of my narcissistic upbringing. As a young girl, I felt like an extension of everyone else, deeply confused as to where they stopped and I started. My mind was messy and my emotions were everywhere. John listened to me, identified patterns and programming, and coached me on how to be the observer and watch the movie. John has helped me to soften and feel love for myself and others. I no longer feel defensive or anticipate difficulty, instead a new feeling of surrender and trust has taken its place. My mind and speech can go on tangents but that way of behaving is less familiar, and for the most part, I enjoy an inner calm and have a peaceful outlook. John is present, kind and incredibly knowledgeable. I have great respect for John’s desire to live right, and I highly recommend his guidance in your life.
John Michael Christian saved my life, literally. I was an atheist software entrepreneur living a promiscuous lifestyle who thought he had life all figured out, but I was miserable, lost, lonely and suffering from multiple addictions and chronic depression, I was on the trajectory of being suicidal. Out of desperation and by the grace of God, I was fortunate enough to get in touch with John, and then everything changed.
In the first counseling session, John completely shattered my atheist beliefs to pieces with concrete feats of miracles & spiritual healing such that my over 30 years of scientific knowledge, analytical thinking, and logical skepticism were all useless to comprehend what had happened.
A whole new reality beyond anything I’ve known was revealed, and I experienced deep peace, love and joy for the first time in my life. My heart was no longer a dark abyss of numb emptiness, it was capable of having feelings of love & joy again. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life.
Fast forward 2 years, I went down the spiritual rabbit hole and deepened my practice under the mentorship & guidance of John, bringing ever more peace & love to myself and everyone around me.
I still work as a software entrepreneur, but I feel much more peaceful and happy on a daily basis. There are occasional setbacks but I was able to get back on track through various learned spiritual practices.
Reaching out to John was one of the most important decisions I’ve made in my life, and it will be for you as well. I couldn’t imagine what would’ve happened if I didn’t, the suffering was simply too great for me to bear, I’m forever grateful for John’s help in healing my soul and bringing me onto the spiritual path.
Forget about therapists, antidepressants or 12-step programs, they only skim the surface and provide temporary relief but don’t fix things at the core.
It takes life times of accumulated good karma to be able to find a teacher like John, if you’re looking for a sign, then this is it. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. For the sake of yourself, your loved ones and everyone around you, just do it! 🙂
Kyle L.
Patrick K. Williamsburg VA
I was very impressed by John’s talents, and especially by his faith in God and trust in his guidance. I learned from him a new understanding of what faith and trust in God can do. He was also tremendously beneficial in helping me to understand and change the many perplexing situations in my life that I had been dealing with for years, one of which was a dreadful fear of horses, which was resolved during a past life regression when I discovered that I had been trampled and killed. As I was experiencing the trauma, John could see it via his mind’s eye and coached me through it and helped me to rise above it and see it objectively, which in turn helped me to release the trauma. And, only a few weeks later I went on a horseback ride with no fear whatsoever!
I am sure you will be very impressed with this quiet mannered man and his abilities and will benefit greatly from knowing and working with him.
D. Rivarde
“If it weren’t for John, I would be dead right now. Of that I am absolutely certain”
Steven C.
“John, I had to write and tell you.. your work, talent and dedication is amazing. You healed my early childhood issues from both of my parents, and also helped me to get past the devastating emotions of betrayal. I cannot say enough about the help you’ve given me.
I’m also enormously grateful to be able to live in Present Moment Awareness and to drop down and experience life from my heart. And becoming aware of the stories I was telling myself and learning how to change them was a priceless gem. Thank you John. I am truly grateful..”
Much love,
Laura K.