Ask Yourself “Who Am I?” And Don’t Stop Until You Know
Being Present In The Now Moment
In this article I’d like to give you some ways that you can to easily become Present in the Now “reality” as an observer. We actually connect with the deeper Truth of our Self by becoming Present and, and we shift our vibration and that of the world when we do it. To do this though you have to understand why you don’t experience your True Self in the first place. The reason we don’t is that most people are primarily identified with the mind or ego as their reality and who they believe they are. Our beliefs in separation, that this realm is “real” and our identity with our egos as our ‘Self’ creates most of the issue. Another aspect of it is that we’re not connected to our hearts, and this plays a part in our not knowing our True Nature as well. So to get back home we have to reverse our course.
To accomplish this, you first need to realize that you are NOT your mind. The mind is only a series of neural pathways and it creates chemical responses that originated primarily from your childhood and the way you were raised.. and also from what you have been taught since that time. In turn, on an energetic level “constructs” are created, and they remain until they are discovered and dissolved. Ans this can be accomplished by becoming the “Watcher” of yourself.
The mind is much like a computer.. what you put in, you get out. If a code is written correctly, the program functions as it should, but if it’s not, the program will malfunction. This is essentially what happens with our mind.. and why it’s necessary to see how we’re wired so it can be resolved. When we discover our constructs we are looking at part of our program code.
By becoming the Watcher, or Witness you essentially disconnect from the mind and instead watch it from the level of your soul. You’ll most likely be surprised and maybe even shocked at what your ego is doing when you’re not paying attention.
To practice being Present and watching you have to shift your perception from your thinking mind into your breathing body and heart, or your feeling nature. Meditation is a great way to help you in this process.. but you also need to practice it during waking hours. One good way to do that is to become still when you first wake up in the morning, and just observe all that is around you, and to watch your breath.
To do what I call dropping down into the heart, all you need to do is to think about something you are grateful for, someone you deeply love, or something that happened that was very moving for you. Doing this will activate the heart chakra, and it will help you to become Present and heart connected.
Once you have opened your heart (which is our connection to our fundamental Beingness).. be the watcher and pay attention to what is in front of you at every moment. Give Life your full attention. Whether you’re at a job or talking to a friend or washing the dishes. This act increases your energetic alignment with the Now.. and begins to align you with your True Self.. and it will bring you deeply into what I call Present Moment Awareness.
If your thinking mind pops up.. realign yourself with your body and the Now by focusing your attention on your breathing for a while or on your heartbeat. When you do this consistently you find that your mind begins to be more quiet.. and with time it becomes second nature to see thoughts pop up so they are no longer able to take you out of the Present Moment.
When you’ve become heart centered and aware of yourself as the Observer, it becomes relatively easy to see what’s going on with the mind and it’s shenanigans, and each time you become aware of how your ego is wired up you free yourself one pattern at a time until your mind/ego is fully integrated into Self.
So the whole process comes down to being in the Now. The beautiful thing about this is that when we completely relax into the Present Moment, we open the door for Truth to arise, and this begins to happen even before we are fully mentally and emotionally integrated.
This works the same way for everyone because we already are THAT.. but we don’t know it because living in the mind keeps us “separate”. But in truth there is no separation, it’s only in our perception of reality. When we drop into our heart and live in the Now.. we will find that Self is revealed to us automatically over time if we are persistent.
Until next time..